Görüntülenen "Genel" Kategorisi

Technology and Family Life

Ağustos 13th, 2013 | by Emre

Researcher discuss wheather technology is good for family. According to Ofcom company’s research , in the past, many tecnological tools [&hellip

Bad Words In Twitter

Ağustos 2nd, 2013 | by Emre

Twitter has started in March / 2006, and today it has more than 465 Million users according to Twitter ’s [&hellip

Twitter ‘da Kötü Yazılar

Temmuz 31st, 2013 | by Emre

Twitter Mart 2006′da yayına girdi ve bugün sosyal medyanın en güçlü temsilcilerinden biri olan Twitter’ın, Şubat 2012 verilerine göre dünya [&hellip

Google Street View ve Gizlilik Sorunları

Temmuz 23rd, 2013 | by Emre

Google’ın birçok hukuki tartışmaya ve özel yaşam ihlali iddialarına yol açan Street View yazılımı, Google Maps’in bir devamı olarak çalışıyor. [&hellip

Computer Ethics and Copyrigths

Temmuz 18th, 2013 | by Emre

1-Computer Ethics Ethic, basically tries to define which is right and which is wrong as behaving on a work. As [&hellip

The NSA Scandal

Temmuz 12th, 2013 | by Emre

The National Security Agency USA Intelligence agency was offically established in 4th of Novemver in 1982. This agency keeps the [&hellip

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