Unique Selling Point [USP]
Emreder has been known for the highest quality memory products available. We recognize the important role memory plays in computing productivity and take the necessary steps to guarantee a reliable memory product.
We are accountable to our customers and interested parties.
We deliver reliable products and services.
Guaranteed Compatibility
Emreder customizes its memory and guarantees 100-percent compatibility.
Superior Quality
Emreder® qualifies all components and tests all modules in all stages of production.
Its commitment to using the highest-quality components and to 100-percent testing makes Emreder memory the most reliable on the market.
Emreder offers a lifetime warranty on all Flash memory.
*This Article ENGG437 Entrepreneurship & Leadership Ass #11 Homework is written for.(http://kehk.wordpress.com/2013/11/28/ass-11-usp-for-engg437/)